Sunday, September 15, 2013

School Bus And Mini Part 1

Part 1 will give you the PDF file with the pattern to create a 3D School Bus that will house a mini.  The Mini album will be made once the School Bus is completed.  

Here is a link to the PDF file  School Bus Pattern Pieces print this out and cut out the pieces as stated in the pattern.  On Monday's stream, Sept. 16, I will begin the process of building the bus.  I do not have one pre-made so this will be a see it once it is made.  Here is a clipart that inspired me in the design.

You are more then welcome to download this PDF and create this bus.  The only thing i ask is that you not claim as your design.  I created the pattern file using Inkscape and saved it as a PDF for your use and crafting enjoyment.
Please respect this request.
